About the Workshop:
The workshop, 'Emerging Aspirations in Complex Systems,' hosted by the Centre for Complex Systems, aims to provide a space for HDR students and early career researchers to share their research advances in complex system projects. The Centre for Complex Systems collaborates across various schools at the University of Sydney and external institutions, employing a multidisciplinary approach to science. Some of the outstanding research projects at the Centre for Complex Systems include, but are not limited to, brain dynamics, computational epidemiology, urban and social dynamics, swarm intelligence, distributed computation, systems biology, and nanoscience.
Our next workshop is scheduled on Thursday, 29th Aug. 2024 in Cullen Room, Holme Building (A09) . The workshop will consist of short presentations (10-min presentation and 5-min discussion, previous research and later-stage work are all welcome). If you would like to attend, please send us an email expressing your interest to attend. We will then email you the calendar invitation.
Our next event is right around the corner, don't miss out!