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GTA Seminar 2011

Talks in 2011

Friday 25 November 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Emma Carberry (Sydney) Harmonic maps, Toda frames and extended Dynkin diagrams
Tuesday 18 October 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Tuesday 1 November 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Emma Carberry (Sydney) Harmonic Maps of Surfaces into De Sitter Spaces
Tuesday 18 October 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
John Huerta (ANU) G2, Split Octonions, and the Rolling Ball
Tuesday 11 October 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Emma Carberry (Sydney) Harmonic maps via ordinary differential equations
Tuesday 4 October 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Emma Carberry (Sydney) Introduction to Harmonic Maps of Surfaces Into Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces
Tuesday 20 September 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Satoshi Koike (Hyogo, Japan) Equivalence relations for real analytic function germs
Tuesday 6 September 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Guillaume Valette (Krakow) Multiplicity modulo two as a metric invariant
Tuesday 30 August 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Satoshi Koike (Hyogo, Japan) Blow-analytic invariants of real analytic function germs
Tuesday 23 August 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Masatoshi Noumi (Kobe, Japan) Pade interpolation and hypergeometric series
Tuesday 16 August 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Guillaume Valette (Krakow) On the Lelong number of Whitney stratified sets
Tuesday 9 August 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Xiao Zhang (Chinese Academy of Science) The conformal Laplacian operator and the mass of asymptotically flat manifolds
Tuesday 2 August 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Guillaume Valette (Krakow) Lp differential forms on analytic varieties
Tuesday 26 July 2011 (Rooms 707A, Carslaw Building, University of Sydney)
Guillaume Valette (Krakow) Lipschitz geometry of analytic sets