Alexander Fish

Associate Professor


School of Mathematics and Statistics F07
University of Sydney NSW 2006

Office: Carslaw 712

Research interests

Ergodic theory, additive combinatorics, wireless communication.


I defended my thesis "Ramsey properties of subsets of N" in 2007, at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, under supervsion of Hillel Furstenberg.

Afterwards, for three years I was Zassenhaus Assistant Professor at Ohio State University and for the next three years I was Van Vleck Assistant Professor at UW-Madison .

In July 2012 I joined the School of Mathematics and Statistics at University of Sydney as Lecturer, in 2016 I was promoted to Senior Lecturer and since 2021 I am an Associate Professor. My research is currently supported by the ARC via grants DP210100162 and DP240100472.