Teaching and Learning

November 26 - AGR - LaTrobe University Statistics Seminar

LaTrobe University Statistics Seminar

Variance Stabilisation Approach to Meta-Analysis: Combining the Evidence

Wednesday, November 26 2008, 11am - 12.12pm (CST)

Speaker: Elena Kulinskaya (Director of Statistical Advisory Service, Imperial College, London)

Location: LaTrobe University Access Grid Room, Physical Sciences 2

In the traditional fixed effects model (FEM) of meta analysis, given the estimated effects from K studies 1 K, with \theta_i \sim N(\theta,\sigma_i ^

{-2}), the combined effect is estimated as the weighted mean est=(wi 1+ +wK K) W N( 1 W) , where wi= i

{-2} and W=(w1+ +wK). If the homogeneity of the effects is rejected, the random effects model can be used: i N( i

{-2} + \tau

2). (Sutton et al, 2000)

When the variance stabilizing transformation (vst) is applied to the estimated effects, we deal instead with the transformed standardised effects K( i). They are estimated by i=ni 21h(Si) N K( ) 1 ni and can be added with known weights ni in meta-analysis (Kulinskaya, Morgenthaler and Staudte, 2008).

Given variance stabilized statistics from K studies T1 TK, with T1 N(ni1 2 1) the combined effect est=(n1 1+ +nK K)) N N K( ) 1 N where N=n1+?+nK The back-transformation is used to obtain the inference on the standardised effects. If the homogeneity of the transformed effects is rejected the random transformed effects model can be used: i N( ni 1+ 2) .

When there are no nuisance parameters (as in the 1-sample Binomial or Poisson case) these two approaches to meta analysis are equivalent. In the general case, the variance stabilization approach can be used even when the inference on the original, non-standardised effects is of primary interest. In this case the optimal weights depend on the nuisance parameters. An example is the variance stabilizing arcsine transformation for the difference in absolute risks, with the average risk as the nuisance parameter.

Seminar Convener: Dr Andrily Olenko
AGR IT Support: Dr Darren Condon

Staff/students from other Universities need to book their Access Grid room if they wish to participate.

Updated on Oct 15, 2010 by Scott Spence (Version 6)

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latrobe logo.jpg - on Oct 15, 2010 by Scott Spence (Version 2)