Teaching and Learning


Skype is available for

Windows (Business version)
Windows (Beta)
Mac OS X

For your mobileWindows Mobile
Nokia N800/N810
Skype Lite
Skype on PSP

As a default, Skype will use your machine as a supernode if it is connected to a high-bandwidth network. Hence, it's better to disable this function. You can do so by creating the following registry entry:

DisableSupernode REG_DWORD 0x1

Run the Skype Setup application

A window will open asking what you want to do with a file called SkypeSetup.exe. Click Save File'.

Follow the Setup Wizard

When the download is done, click on the SkypeSetup.exe file from the Mozilla Downloads window to open the Skype Setup application.
(Alternatively, you could open it directly from the location you saved it which is typically your desktop.)
The Skype Setup Wizard will appear and guide you through the rest of the installation.

Launch Skype

After the installation has finished, you can open Skype at any time by clicking the icon on your desktop or in your system tray.

Getting started with Skype

Skype is a little piece of software that lets you talk over the internet to anyone, anywhere in the world for free.

Download the Skype software
Make your first call

Getting started with Skype video calling

Smile, wave or say hello to anyone, anywhere in the world with free one-to-one video conversations.

To make free video calls you'll need the latest version of Skype and a webcam and headset (if you don't have a headset you can use the in-built speakers and microphone on your computer).

Download the Skype software

Your webcam should have come with an installation disc. Just pop the disc in your computer, before plugging the camera in, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Choose a Skype Name

Now you're ready to plug in your webcam. Find the USB port on your computer; it's the one with the matching USB symbol.

Sound check

Skype will automatically help you test your webcam to make sure everything is working correctly.

Make your first call

Now you can make video calls to anyone else with a webcam.

Make your first call

Updated on Oct 15, 2010 by Masahiro Takatsuka (Version 22)

Attachments (2)

Skype.bmp - on Oct 15, 2010 by Dinko Hanic (Version 2)

Skype.jpg - on Oct 15, 2010 by Dinko Hanic (Version 2)