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News and events

Mathematics of Data Science workshop in December 2024

This workshop will be held in the School from December 4th to December 6th. See the web page for more information.

National Intelligence and Security research grant

Nalini Joshi and Tomas Lasic Latimer have been awarded $746,424 from the Office of National Intelligence for their research project "Extending Elliptic Curve Cryptography". See the funding announcements web page for further information.

Frontiers of Science award for Kevin Colembier

The International Congress of Basic Science has honoured Kevin Coulembier and co-authors Pavel Etingof and Victor Ostrik for their 2023 paper "On Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories", judged to be of the highest scientific value and originality and to have made an important impact on Lie Theory and Representation Theory.

See the Frontiers of Science Awards page for further information.

Eight ARC Discovery Projects commencing in 2024

The Funding Announcements page on the Australian Research Council website includes details of eight Discovery Projects with members of the School of Mathematics and Statistics as chief investigators. The people are

See also our Research Grants page.

DECRA for Lindon Roberts

Dr Lindon Roberts is the recipient of a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, with funding to commence in 2024. For more details see the Funding Announcements page on the Australian Research Council website.


The 2023 iteration of the annual Workshop on Optimisation, Metric Bounds, Approximation and Transversality (WOMBAT) will be run in conjunction with the second biennial Workshop on the Intersections of Computation and Optimisation (WICO 2023), at the University of Sydney Business School (Abercrombie Building (H70), corner of Abercrombie Street and Codrington Streets) from 11 to 15 December 2023. For further information, including how to register, see the WOMBAT/WICO 2023 web page.

Geordie Williamson and Simon Riche win 2023 Frontiers of Science Award

Geordie Williamson and Simon Riche (Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal) are awarded a "Frontiers of Science Award" in the Lie Theory and Representation Theory category at the International Congress of Basic Science in Beijing, China. The award is for the paper “Smith-Treumann Theory and the Linkage Principle”, which was published in Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS(2022).

Geordie Williamson awarded an Australian Laureate Fellowship 2023

The Australian Research Council has announced that Professor Geordie Williamson is one of seventeen new Australian Laureate Fellows. See the ARC website for a summary of his Fellowship Project "Unlocking the secrets of modular representations", as well as further information about the Laureate Fellowships.

Moran Medal for Rachel Wang.

Dr Rachel Wang has been awarded a Moran Medal for 2023, in recognition of her outstanding research at the interface of theoretical statistics, computational statistics and data-driven applied fields. For more details see the announcement on the website of the Australian Academy of Science, and also the University of Sydney news item.

Three ARC Discovery Projects commencing in the School in 2023.

Professor Peter Kim, Professor Geordie Williamson and Associate Professor Oded Yacobi have received funding from the Australian Research Council for projects commencing in 2023. See our Research Grants page for further information.

MRFF success for members of the School 2023

The following members of the School of Mathematics and Statistics have been awarded funding from the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund beginning in 2023.

  • Prof Jean Yang, a member of the Chief Investigator team for Professor Alex Brown's project Pathways to benefit for Indigenous Australians in Genomic Medicine.
  • A/Prof Pengyi Yang, a member of the Chief Investigator team for Doctor Anai Gonzalez Cordero's project Development of photoreceptor cell therapy to treat blindness.
  • Dr Ellis Patrick, a member of the Chief Investigator team for Associate Professor Natasha Rogers's project REnal FactORs Modify HEART disease Study – REFORM HEARTS.

Further information is available on our research grants web page. The full list of MRFF grant recipients is available on the fund's website.

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